About the Colour Energy Education Systems

Our concept is based on teaching how the mind is inseparable from the body and soul; how the body and soul understand the same as the "mental" mind understands. To teach this we utilize a combination of learned theoretical knowledge together with physical and emotional experiences. Through our education system, our goal is to give you knowledge and experiences, using the language of colours which is understood by the body, mind and spirit. Through the universal language of colours, you will learn to better understand yourself as well as others. Our education ideology is built on the seven types of colour intelligence. There are no unintelligent people. We are all intelligent beings with different built-in abilities (colour intelligence).

Discover yourself and your attributes and learn the various facets of how colour affects everyone and everything!

Copyright 2000

1682 West 75th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 Canada
Phone: (604)·687·3757 · Toll Free: 800·566·1475 · Fax: (604)·687·3757